University of Burgundy, France

Sabrina GAITO
University of Milan, Italy

IMT Institute for Advanced Studies

Alessandra SALA
Bell Labs Dublin

University of Lyon 2, France

Antonio SCALA
Italian National Research Council

New York University, USA

Sabrina GAITO
University of Milan, Italy

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Politecnico di Milano

Christian QUADRI
University of Milan

University of Milan

University of Milan

University of Milan

University of Milan

Christian QUADRI
University of Milan

University of Milan
Sebastian | Ahnert | University of Cambridge |
Luca Maria | Aiello | Yahoo Labs |
Tatsuya | Akutsu | Kyoto University |
Reka | Albert | The Pennsylvania State University |
Antoine | Allard | Universitat de Barcelona |
Claudio | Altafini | linköping university |
Lucila | Alvarez-Zuzek | IFIMAR-UNMdP |
Fred | Amblard | IRIT - University Toulouse 1 Capitole |
Claudio | Angione | Teesside University |
Alberto | Antonioni | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Nuno | Araujo | Universidade de Lisboa |
Valerio | Arnaboldi | IIT-CNR |
Martin | Atzmueller | University of Kassel |
Rodolfo | Baggio | Bocconi University |
James | Bagrow | University of Vermont |
Nikita | Basov | SPbSU |
Gareth | Baxter | University of Aveiro |
Rosa M. | Benito | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Ginestra | Bianconi | Queen Mary University of London |
Javier | Borge-Holthoefer | QCRI - Qatar Computing Research Institute |
Stefan | Bornholdt | Universität Bremen |
Dan | Braha | NECSI |
Markus | Brede | University of Bristol |
Piotr | Bródka | Wroclaw University of Technology |
Javier M. | Buldu | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos |
Raffaella | Burioni | Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Parma |
Vincenza | Carchiolo | Universita di Catania |
Alessio | Cardillo | Ecole Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Ciro | Cattuto | ISI Foundation |
Nitesh V. | Chawla | University of Notre Dame |
Guanrong | Chen | City University of Hong Kong |
Kwang-Cheng | Chen | University of South Florida |
Richard | Clegg | Imperial College, London |
Jack | Cole | ARL |
Emanuele | Cozzo | BiFi |
Regino | Criado | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos |
Mihai | Cucuringu | University of California, Los Angeles |
Fabrizio | De Vico Fallani | LENA-CNRS |
Jean-Charles | Delvenne | University of Louvain |
Jana | Diesner | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Florian | Dörfler | ETH Zurich |
Jordi | Duch | Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
Mohammed | El Hassouni | FSR-UMV |
Ernesto | Estrada | University of Strathclyde |
Tim | Evans | Imperial College London |
Mauro | Faccin | ICTEAM, Universitè Catholique de Louvain |
Giorgio | Fagiolo | Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies |
Alessandro | Flammini | Indiana U. |
Eric | Fleury | ENS Lyon / INRIA |
Mattia | Frasca | University of Catania |
Sabrina | Gaito | University of Milan |
José Manuel | Galán | University of Burgos |
Antonios | Garas | ETH Zurich |
Gourab | Ghoshal | University of Rochester |
Silvia | Giordano | SUPSi |
James | Gleeson | University of Limerick |
Kwang-Il | Goh | Korea University |
Sergio | Gomez | Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
Bruno | Gonçalves | New York University |
Steve | Gregory | |
Hasan | Guclu | University of Pittsburgh |
Jean-Loup | Guillaume | L3i - Université de la Rochelle |
Roger | Guimera | ICREA and Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
Mehmet | Gunes | University of Nevada, Reno |
Aric | Hagberg | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Chris | Hankin | Imperial College London |
Laurent | Hebert-Dufresne | Santa Fe Institute |
Desmond | Higham | University of Strathclyde |
Philipp | Hoevel | TU Berlin |
Seok-Hee | Hong | University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA |
Ulrich | Hoppe | University Duisburg-Essen |
Gerardo | Iñiguez | National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) |
Marco Alberto | Javarone | Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science |
Hawoong | Jeong | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Marcus | Kaiser | Newcastle University |
Rushed | Kanawati | Université Paris 13 |
Márton | Karsai | ENS de Lyon |
Dror | Kenett | Office of Financial Research |
Hyoungshick | Kim | Sungkyunkwan University |
Maksim | Kitsak | Northeastern University |
Mikko | Kivelä | University of Oxford |
Peter | Klimek | Medical University of Vienna |
Jérôme | Kunegis | University of Koblenz-Landau |
Ryszard | Kutner | Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw |
Renaud | Lambiotte | University of Namur |
Christine | Largeron | Université de Lyon |
Matthieu | Latapy | CNRS |
Anna T. | Lawniczak | University of Guelph |
Eric | Leclercq | University of Burgundy |
Sang-Hoon | Lee | Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
Yang-Yu | Liu | Harvard Medical School |
Alessandro | Lomi | University of Lugano |
Alessandro | Longheu | DIEEI - University of Catania |
John C.S. | Lui | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Pádraig | MacCarron | University of Oxford |
Matteo | Magnani | Uppsala University |
Clemence | Magnien | LIP6 (CNRS - UPMC) |
Giuseppe | Mangioni | University of Catania |
Michael | Mäs | ETH Zurich |
Naoki | Masuda | University of Bristol |
Petr | Matous | The University of Sydney |
Natarajan | Meghanathan | Jackson State University |
Sandro | Meloni | University of Zaragoza |
Jose | Mendes | University of Aveiro |
Ronaldo | Menezes | Florida Institute of Technology |
Henning | Meyerhenke | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Radosław | Michalski | Wrocław University of Technology |
Tijana | Milenkovic | University of Notre Dame |
Joel | Miller | Harvard University |
Giovanna | Miritello | University Carlos III of Madrid |
Bivas | Mitra | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur |
Marija | Mitrović | Institute of physics Belgrade |
Suzy | Moat | The University of Warwick |
Misael | Mongiovi | Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche |
Yamir | Moreno | Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain |
Igor | Mozetic | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Tsuyoshi | Murata | The University of Tokyo |
Katarzyna | Musial-Gabrys | Bournemouth University |
Andrea | Omicini | Alma Mater Studiorum–Università di Bologna |
Elisa | Omodei | Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
Gergely | Palla | Statistical and Biological Physics Research Group of HAS |
Pietro | Panzarasa | Queen Mary University of London |
Fragkiskos | Papadopoulos | Cyprus University of Technology |
Symeon | Papadopoulos | Information Technologies Institute |
Michela | Papandrea | SUPSI |
Han Woo | Park | YeungNam University |
Juyong | Park | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Andrea | Passarella | IIT-CNR |
Tiago | Peixoto | University of Bath |
Matjaz | Perc | University of Maribor |
Nicola | Perra | University of Greenwich |
Giovanni | Petri | ISI Foundation |
Chiara | Poletto | INSERM UMR-S 1136 |
Marco | Quaggiotto | ISI Foundation |
Walter | Quattrociocchi | Labss,Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies |
Asha | Rao | RMIT University |
Massimo | Riccaboni | IMT School for Advanced Studies |
Luis | Rocha | Karolinska Institutet |
Luis M. | Rocha | Indiana University Bloomington |
Francisco | Rodrigues | University of São Paulo |
Henrik | Ronellenfitsch | University of Pennsylvania |
Alessandra | Sala | Bell Labs Ireland |
Marta | Sales-Pardo | Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
Hiroki | Sayama | Binghamton University, SUNY |
Antonio | Scala | Italian National Research Council |
Maximilian | Schich | The University of Texas at Dallas |
Ingo | Scholtes | ETH Zurich |
Frank | Schweitzer | ETH Zurich |
Aneesh | Sharma | Twitter Inc |
Rajesh | Sharma | Queen's University Belfast |
Filippo | Simini | University of Bristol |
Anurag | Singh | NIT Delhi |
Persebastian | Skardal | none |
Chaoming | Song | University of Miami |
Mauro | Sozio | Télécom ParisTech |
Markus | Strohmaier | University of Koblenz-Landau |
Michael | Szell | Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Bosiljka | Tadic | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Andrea | Tagarelli | University of Calabria |
I-Hsien | Ting | National University of Kaohsiung |
Olivier | Togni | Lab. LE2I, Burgundy university |
Jan | Treur | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Liubov | Tupikina | PIK, Potsdam |
Stephen | Uzzo | New York Hall of Science |
Piet | Van Mieghem | Delft University of Technology |
Balazs | Vedres | CEU |
Huijuan | Wang | Delft University of Technology |
Pinghui | Wang | MOE NSKEY Lab, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an |
Christo | Wilson | Northeastern University |
Bin | Wu | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications |
Zi-Ke | Zhang | Hangzhou Normal University |
Matteo | Zignani | Università degli Studi di Milano |